Supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund
Curzon Cinema and Arts, 46 Old Church Road, Clevedon BS21 6NN.
Charity Number 1058389 Company Number 3238712
Terms and Conditions
The online and telephone purchase of tickets for film showings and other events at the Curzon Community Cinema Ltd (‘The Curzon’) is strictly subject to the following terms and conditions. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to be bound to these terms and conditions. If you are reading these terms online, please print or save a copy for your records. If you require any further information or need clarification, please contact the Cinema.
- Ticket prices are as displayed at the point of purchase and will include VAT (value added tax).
- Seating will be reserved unless otherwise specified at the time and point of purchase.
- In all circumstances tickets and gift vouchers are non-transferrable, exchangeable or refundable.
- Pre-booked tickets made online or via the telephone are liable to a booking fee which will be added to the booking at the point of purchase. There is no booking fee for tickets purchased over the counter at the cinema.
- Guests should check the details printed on their tickets (or email confirmation if purchased online) are correct at the time of issue or collection. Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded at a later date in the event of any error. Lost, stolen or damaged tickets will not be replaced.
- Promotional plastic gift cards must be redeemed in person before the expiry date at the Cinema box office and cannot be used to purchase tickets online.
- Antisocial or disruptive behaviour will result in immediate removal from the premises. In the event of a group disturbance, the group will be treated as one and the whole group may be removed from the cinema without any entitlement to a refund.
- If forced to do so by circumstances beyond our control, we reserve the right to; cancel a performance, vary the film, vary the start-time. In such circumstances our liability will be limited to the refund of the cost of the ticket purchase only or will issue replacement tickets for the same film or event at another show time. Any incidental costs (such as but not limited to, parking fees, concessions sales, booking fees*) are the customers sole responsibility.
- Photographic proof of age may be required for entry for all 12A, 15 and 18 certificate films. Photographic identification includes passport, driving license or UK citizen card. Failure to produce photo proof of age on request (including on pre-booked tickets) will result in refused entry. NO PHOTO ID, NO ENTRY.
- Alcohol may be not brought onto cinema premises from outside. Any person(s) bringing alcohol on to the premises will be refused entry. Any person(s) arriving at the premises under the influence of alcohol and/or other substances will be refused entry and the police may be called.
- Smoking and vaping are not permitted in any part of the premises.
- The Curzon reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to time without notice. The terms and conditions are available on request and on the Curzon’s website.
- Sound and video recording equipment and cameras are not permitted inside the auditorium. It is a serious criminal offence to copy or attempt to copy any film or other copyright protected material shown in the auditorium.
- Every effort will be made to accommodate late-comers but to avoid disturbance to our other guests, guests who arrive after the main feature has started will not be entitled to enter the auditorium unless permitted by the Duty Manager at their discretion.
- Only guests in possession of a valid ticket will be admitted into the auditorium. Any guest who does not hold a valid ticket shall be refused entry to the auditorium and may be asked to leave the premises.
- Tickets must be retained at all times, as these shall be required for re-entry into the auditorium.
- To comply with fire regulations, guests must not obstruct the aisles or access ways.
- We reserve the right to offer discounts and make changes to ticket prices at any given time.
*There is a non-refundable booking fee of £1 per online transaction.
We charge a booking fee because to provide advance booking facilities via our website, we have to use other intermediate companies to provide these services. The booking fees are set to at least offset some of the additional costs incurred by us. This is not a “Credit Card Processing Fee” – credit and debit card transactions carried out in person at the cinema (including those transactions where a booking is made for another day) do not incur any additional charges. All of our credit and debit card processing costs are incorporated within our ticket prices, with no additional fees on any transaction.