Zaid Hilal, a renowned Palestinian musician and composer from Bethlehem, is set to perform a unique live set at Curzon Cinema. The event will showcase a captivating blend of traditional Palestinian songs that delve into the rich history and cultural heritage of Palestine. Hilal, known for his original compositions, will present pieces that reflect the deep emotional and historical landscape of his homeland. The performance will not only highlight his evocative songwriting but also provide an immersive experience into the stories and traditions that have shaped Palestinian music. Attendees can expect a poignant and memorable evening that bridges cultural gaps and celebrates the enduring spirit of Palestinian artistry.
After the performance there will be a screening of award-winning documentary, The Wanted 18, which just happens to be set in the village of Beit Sahour that Zaid originates from outside Bethlehem; a remarkable tale of non-violent resistance in the Occupied Territories. Set in 1987, the Israeli army is in hot pursuit of 18 dairy cows, the cows have been declared a threat to Israel’s national security after the residents of Beit Sahour decided to produce their own milk (yes, this is a true story), humorous and thought-provoking, the film shows the power of mass-mobilisation and popular resistance to the Israeli Occupation during the first Intifada. This is a poignant film about nation-building from the bottom-up, by the people not the politicians.
More details to be added, book quickly, this is a very special one-off opportunity!
Zaid Hilal LIVE, Film - Walaa Eltiti, Yazeed Faruja
Directed By:
Amer Shomali, Paul Cowan
Running time:
180 mins