The Fantasy Orchestra are back! After two hugely fun, spectacular shows in 2024, we couldn’t start 2025 without them, they’re just what the world needs on a cold, dark January day.
Bringing together 70+ musicians and singers, professional and amateur, to create a kaleidoscopic symphonic brigade, the FO are unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Think psychedelic loveliness, rousing choral noise and some choice costumes with the ethos of creating ‘World Peace One Note At A Time’.
Hooked to the Silver Screen with The Fantasy Orchestra features music from movies including James Bond, Labyrinth, Jungle Book, Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Wicker Man and The Muppets among others. Plus a nostalgic collection of tv music too including Gerry Anderson, a ‘70s sitcom, one of the big soaps, science fiction, kids tv shows and more.